Detox & Cleansing Products/Programs

Supreme Klean 7-Day Detox Program
Supreme Klean 7-Day Total Cleanser was designed for those who want to cleanse their blood, urine, and saliva. This product will cleanse your system in only 7 days! The detox program includes a healthy, toxin-free diet, daily permanent cleansing capsules and proper water intake. This product is NOT a mask! It safely removes harmful toxins from your body, leaving you clean, healthy, toxin-free, and most importantly, feeling good.

This intense 7-day system will totally cleanse your body, once and for all. Cleansing your blood, urine and saliva of all toxins, as well as any new hair growth. Completely Clean cleanses toxins from your body and brings them to a level that is undetectable by most blood, urine, hair and saliva drug tests. Toxins that are removed will be gone forever.
Daily Cleansing: Take 2 capsules with 24 oz of water three times daily for seven days in a row. Urinate frequently to remove pollutants.
Morning: Take 2 capsules with 24 oz of water. Eat a balanced breakfast including fruit or 100% fruit juice. Avoid coffee, soda, and sweets such as pastries and sweetened cereal. Exercise for 15-30 minutes to perspire which will help flush out toxins.
Mid-Morning Snack: Eat a small fruit or 8 oz 100% fruit juice to stimulate your metabolism. Drink 16 oz. of water to keep your body hydrated and flush toxins out of your system.
Lunch: Take 2 capsules with 24 oz of water. Eat a balanced lunch including a green vegetable. Raw green leafy vegetables, like those in a green salad are best.
Mid-Afternoon Snack: Eat a small fruit or a small salad with lemon juice for dressing to maintain a quicker metabolism. Drink 16 ounces of water to continue flushing your system.
Evening: Take 2 capsules with 24 oz of water. Eat a balanced lunch including a green vegetable. Exercise for 15-30 minutes, making sure your workout causes you to sweat.
Evening Snack: Eat a small fruit or 8 oz 100% fruit juice to keep your metabolism working as long as possible. Drink 16 ounces of water to keep your body hydrated through the night.
Drug Test
click for product instructions